Arrowhead Awards
The troop recognizes participation in troop activities with the Arrowhead Award. Upon crossing over from cub Scouting and/or joining the troop, a new scout is presented a leather arrowhead, worn around the neck on a leather thong. Each time a scout participates in a troop or patrol activity, he is presented with a bead to add to the thong.
The beads are color-coded to signify the nature of the activity. These colors are:
Green | Camp-out (Troop or Patrol) |
Light Green | Backpacking Camp-out |
Red | District Camporee |
Large Red | State Jamboree |
Tan | Hike |
Orange | District Hike-A-Thon |
Large Turquoise | Summer Camp |
Large Green | High Adventure Camp (E.G. Philmont) |
White | District Klondike Derby |
Large White | State Klondike Derby |
Blue | Local Parade |
Note: There is no bead awarded for service projects, as these activities are done as a "service" and not for awarded recognition.