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Category: Announcements

Degrees of Freeze

When camping in the cold weather scouts can accumulate “Degrees of Freeze” points. One point is obtained for every 1 degree below 32 degrees that a scout sleeps outside. When a scout reaches 100 Degrees of Freeze points they earn a special patch which can proud display their achievement.

The graph below shows the accumulated Degrees of Freeze points as of March 2020.

Pictures of events and trips!

Troop 407 conquered Mt Washington!!
Mt Washington included overnights camping in Tuckerman’s Ravine.
Mt Tecumseh for the 911 hike.
Indoor wall climbing at EVO Rock and Fitness
Trash can turkeys at our annual Thanksgiving in the Woods
Troop 407 walked the Freedom Trail
In 2019 we celebrated 4 scouts making the rank of Eagle Scout!
Contemporary Automotive had the scouts in for an Automotive merit badge class
The Challenge course at Hidden Valley Camp has been a big hit.
During Covid season we went out for an evening at Monson Village
End of the trail, finishing the Lafayette Ridge hike.
Looking tired at Mt Norris summer camp.

Troop hiking mileage summary


A long tradition in Troop 407 is the chance to earn awards for accumulating hiking miles. Mileage is earned at: Parades, Service projects, Event hikes, Weekend scout hikes, High Adventure trips.

Watch the calendar and announcements for hike days!

Awards earned by accumulating mileage:
At 25 miles – Troop 407 T-shirt 
At 75 miles – Troop 407 Nalgene Water bottle 
At 250 miles – Troop 407 fleece 

Mileage below is as of May 15, 2023 for all active scouts, leaders and parents.

In 2021, Mr Thomson reached a WooHoo milestone of 1,000 miles with the troop. A great achievement and well done!

Morning Scout Hikes: 2nd Saturday & 4th Sunday

Join us for a hike twice a month and earn hiking mileage toward the 25 miler shirt, 75 mile water bottle or 250 mile fleece jacket. Hikes are chosen based on the experience of those who show anything from an easy Mileslip hike to an intermediate Pack Monadnock to an advanced hike on Grand Monadnock.
Bring good hiking boots, water and snacks. In cold weather bring a jacket.

HIKES DO NOT OCCUR when other troop events are happening on the same day.

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© 2024 BSA Troop 407 – Milford, NH - Boy Scouts of America
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